• Since 1999, EFRAH has mainstreamed more than 19000 children of the age group 5 to 14 years (comprising of 60% girls and 40% boys) to Government and private schools
  • 1050 adolescent girls from within the communities are active members of Adolescent Awareness groups (AAG) who are responsible for spreading awareness related to matters/issues affecting them like eve- teasing, sexual abuse, physical and mental harassment, child right and domestic violence, etc. at madan pur khaddar.
  • 8900 adolescent girls and women and youths have been provided with vocational training skills on computer, beauty culture, tailoring, stitching and embroidery, cooking, child care and care of elderly. App. 80% adolescent girls and women of them even started earning amount of Rs. 5000- 15000/-, which has made them financially independent. These women and girls feel confident and now are also involved in decision making in their families.
  • The community women have formed Self-help groups. 35 SHGs are formed. More than Rs. 19, 90,000/- have been collected by the SHG leaders. These members have utilized this money for setting up a small business, like selling tea, setting of fruits/vegetable/egg stall or used them for the marriage of their children
  • EFRAH has facilitated 5 Aagan samooh (CBOs) and each group comprise of 20-25 women members involved in the community issues- be it education of their children or health, hygiene and sanitation of the community. Some members are the part of School management Committee.
  • More than 1000 every year organisation has been the built capacity of the adolescent’s girls and their parents on the issues like legal awareness, Gender, health, Education and social entitlement.
  • We improved institutional delivery from 39 to more than 50%
  • EFRAH has facilitated formation of School Management committee for South Delhi Municipal Schools. Who are empowered to be involved in the community issues- be it education of their children or health, hygiene and sanitation of the community. These members are the ones who have motivated the parents of adolescent girls to form AAG. They have also facilitated admission of children to schools.
  • We have been working with 46000 children in 84 MCD School and providing them awareness on Disaster Risk reduction, reading culture in school by establishing resource centers and libraries.


EFRAH is committed to the holistic development of people living in dehumanized and deprived conditions in the society, without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed and religion.


To build a society based on promoting socio-economic justice, social sensitivity and empowerment of deprived groups, to enable them to become self-reliant and work collectively for social change.